Do you want to get rid of your double chin? You might not be stuck with it forever! Make sure you keep reading below to learn how to get rid of a double chin.
Are you tired of seeing that double chin pop out whenever your face is angled down? Do you fear that your double chin has worsened in the past few months/years? If so, then you need to learn all about how to get rid of your double chin.
Here's the good news: it isn't as difficult as you'd think. There are several things you can do to undo years of progressive damage and, as a result, get a more toned jawline and chin.
See below for an in-depth guide on how to get rid of your double chin and take back control of your aesthetics above the shoulders.
What can you do to get rid of the extra skin and fat that's hanging under your chin? The same thing that you'd do when you're trying to shed the extra skin and fat off a belly, arms, legs, and so forth: exercise.
While exercising, in general, can help you slim up your face, it's important to perform different exercises that target the lower jaw (where your double chin is located). But what kind of exercises should you perform? Let's fill you in...
First, you can use a ball exercise which includes placing a tennis ball between your chin and your lower neck. To perform the ball exercise, just push down on the ball and release (while keeping the ball under your chin). Perform three sets of 10 each day.
Next, you can do a tongue stretch by looking straight out in front of you and sticking your tongue as far forward as you can. Once it's fully extended, lift your tongue towards your nose. Do three sets of this exercise, holding it at the top for 10 seconds each time.
Lastly, we have the bottom jaw jut. Stand up straight and look up at the ceiling. Tilt your head to the right (while keeping your head back) and push your bottom jaw forward. Hold that position for 10 seconds, then return the jaw to its position. Do 3 sets of 5 on both your left and right side.
These exercises will take you a mere 5 minutes each morning and will help you notice immediate results! They can also help you avoid the dreaded "text neck".
Like any other aesthetic improvement you're trying to make to your body, you'll need some help from trusted products to streamline the process. This can help you see faster, more noticeable results when combating your double chin.
But what kind of products should you invest in? Here are a few we offer and how they can help you in your conquest:
It's never a good day when you notice you've developed a double chin. People are forced to look at themselves in the mirror and wonder, "How did this happen?" As it turns out, there are several ways, and we'll list a few of them below.
These days, we're constantly looking down at our devices. Whether we're texting and walking or staring at the computer screen while we work, our neck stays in a certain position for hours on end.
Over time, this forces our necks to jut forward. The more the neck juts forward, the more extra skin that's placed under the bottom jaw, giving the appearance of a double chin.
By trying to correct text neck and getting your neck back to an upright natural position, your neck and face will look much slimmer.
Does the appearance of a double chin automatically mean that you've gained weight? No. That said, weight gain is one of the reasons that most people deal with this problem.
Even though your face is the first place to lose extra fat, it's also the first place that gain it. The more fat in your face, the more that is pushed down when you're looking forward.
As gravity pulls that fat down, your skin starts to put excess towards supporting the weight, thus causing a double chin to develop.
Unfortunately, there are some of you out there whose genes don't line up in your favor. If your mom or dad has a noticeable double chin, then it's certainly possible that you could gain one as well.
That said, you're not doomed to the double chin; you just might have to be more intentional than other people about preventing it.
Thankfully, all of the methods we've mentioned in this article (specific exercises and products) will help you with double chin treatment and gain the highly-coveted V line in your jaw.
Now that you have seen an in-depth guide on how to get rid of your double chin, be sure to use this information to your advantage.
Take the time to read this article for more information on the top reasons you should get a double chin mask right away. For more information, please be sure to give us a call at 619-215-1986.